Sunday, March 1, 2009

Christy Turlington

She has to be my favorite out of the supers.


disapprhere said...

It's unbelievable that you would post this... For you see, I was thinking just yesterday the exact same thing. The reason is immaterial or maybe not since we seem to be on the same lines but for now, I'll say it is.

I still remember the exact moment and place when she completely took over my then, number one slot, Linda Evangelista, and has reined Queen ever since. Perhaps it's hard for others of younger or older ages to know...More so, if interested by. Growing up, when and where I grew up, it was essential if not imperative to know of and all about the so called "Super Models" of yesterday. They were then as they are now, entirely in class all by themselves.

Good evening.

Room4777 said...

what's even more scary is Linda used to by my favourite too!

I guess as my taste matured, I preferred looks which are not just beautiful aesthetically but also expressed personalities I admire. Not saying I know Christie or I think she behaves the way I imagine from her looks, I guess it's like loving an actress because you love the character she chooses.